Welcome in the USA!

If you remember, I already wrote about my exchange year. For who that doesn’t know, I’ve been in the USA for one year. It has been the best year of my life and I want to share all my experiences here.



Before leaving my house

It was a rough night, I had to say goodbye to all my friends and family and leave. I can’t explain how much my heart was torn in half. From one side, I was so sad to leave my country, but in the other hand I couldn’t wait for this new experience that was expecting me.

So I left at 3 a.m. for Milan where I took my first flight to Amsterdam and then I waited for 2 hours before taking my second flight for Boston. I was shocked about all the airport security, I even had to take out my laptop from my bag!!

Anyway, after a 8 hour flight I landed in the USA!! I was so excited but still, too tired. There, I took 2 more flights, from Boston to Chicago and from Chicago toi Sioux Falls. My last flight was sooo scary, the plane I was in was so little and squeaky! And like all the situation wasn’t enough, the man next to me started talking to me about his daughter and how she is pregnant and stuff. Honestly, I couldn’t care enough so I quickly ended the conversation and fell asleep.

When we landed the same man next to me woke me up and told me we were in Sioux Falls! I was so tired and I couldn’t wait to sleep in the bed.

So I went to pick up my luggage and that’s what I found:


My host sister Hannah and I

My host-sister and my host-dad were waiting for me. Hannah made a poster that said ‘Hi Elena’. I was so happy. So they helped me to get my bags in the car and we went home. After 1 second that I hit the bed I fell asleep.

This was my first day in Minnesota!!


Soon more posts about my american life! xx


Majorca, Spain!

During the summer of 2014 I went with my parents in this beautiful island, the largest in the Balearic Islands archipelago, which is part of Spain. I’ve already been in the other Balearic Islands like Minorca, Ibiza and Formentera when I was younger and I have great memories of all of them and I hope to go back soon for one more visit!

I have some great memories of this vacation, not just for the best weather we could get (the day when we left started raining haha), but for the great sea we found there!

cala lombards beach 2

If you’re planning to go on a summer vacation I highly recommend this beautiful island, you won’t be disappointed!


Near the hotel’s pool!


Let me know where you spent your holidays!


Tree houses!

Three years ago I started a school project about tree houses. Everyone had to start picking a natural object and develop some drawings from it. I started from a pine cone and tried to get some ideas from it!

Senza titolo-9

Some of my first ideas!

Then, I had the idea to split my pine cone in two and this is what happened!

Senza titolo-13

It actually started to look like a tree house! 🙂



This is how my final drawings looked like!

After I finished all my drawings I started to think about how to developed a feasible project and I went in carpentry to build my little model with actual wood and glue!


My final project! 🙂

Now it waits just to be built for real!

Hope you enjoyed to know more about my project! xoxo


Art is my life! ✎

As you know, I’m currently attending an art school, in Italy. Being in an art school is always what I wanted to do, so in 5 months or so I am ready to finish this long journey that made me grow as a person but also as a student.

After high school I would like to attend a foreign university, pursuing an art course, but only time will be able to tell me if this will happen! 🙂



Some of my art made 4 years ago!

During this 5 years I had a lot of opportunities to develop my art skills with so many projects which undoubtedly helped all of us understand what we like and our possible future career.

In this section I would like to share with you my works, not only my school projects but even my own art that I like to make at home.




Travel ✈

In this section I will write about places I visited and places I wish I could visit! My family always used to travel a lot because we really like to see new places and discover new cultures, new foods and new life styles!

I divided this section in 5, each one for one continent so you can find your favorite country and maybe have a better idea of what it is like there! 🙂
