Hiya! This post is going to be a little different from the previous ones! I want to talk about something really means a lot me which is my new tattoo!

Now, I am not the kind of girl that just gets a tattoo just becasue… I really thought about it for a LONG time, I would say I waited a year to get it, just to make sure that I really wanted it. So the 7th of February I went straigth to the tattoo studio and got it. It took roughly 10 minutes and it was a little painful because it was on the ribs.

I decided to get an airplane because for me it’s the symbol of travel. Travel for me means everything. My life as a travel of growth but not only. It’s the symbol of my life in America and in Edinburgh away from my home-town. Travel as personal growth and around the planet. It really has a deep meaning to me, that’s why I decided to get it inked to my skin forever.

Ask me questions about my new tattoo! –>


Love it!

I really love it and I will never regret it! xx



Our teachers asked us to design a “totem” that would be something that introduces people to our valley. This totem has to be simple but at the same time has to mean something so people can understand more about our colture, language and territory.

I started this project by drawing a tree and reducing it in just few simple lines. The shape of my totem is a triangular pyramid. Two of the sides are the same while the third one is different with a particular interactive window. This window can be opened and people can trow dolomia rocks in it that are prepared for this mean.


So, with wood and rock I created a design that resembles our territory and colture, including specific informations of the 7 town located in the valley.

I built the model in the carpentry and it took me about 10 hours.

I am really satisfied of this project because I really think it could be used to introduce people that don’t know our valley and wish to know a little bit more.


At the end I created a digital picture that can show how the structure would look like in reality.

Hope you like it!




During my third year of school, our teachers asked us to pick one design object to reproduce by ourselves. They gave us some magazines where we could find our object.

I decided to reproduce a parmesan container made by a famous designer.

This project was made by the actual bowl and its cover. The project took about 5 months and it was made all with wood.

This project took so long because I had to create different pieces divided and just at the end glue them together. For example, I had to create the handle by itself with the CNC machine  because its difficulty.


Even though this project was a little difficult to make I really enjoyed doing it because it helped me to try myself on new tasks and new experiences.


This is my final object! Hope you like it! xx
