My life!

This blog is about my experiences, my art, and my favorite hobbies but I also want to include in this section all my life moments, fun facts and everything that will pop up in my mind!215.jpg

Hope you will like it!


Ed Sheeran concert!

During my exchange year I had the opportunity to have new experiences. On September 15, 2014 me, my host-sister and her friend, went to this concert in Minneapolis. We were waiting for months this day and we couldn’t wait anymore. It was so exciting! The spots we had were on the floor, right in front … Continue reading Ed Sheeran concert!


At the end of any high school student’s career one of the most awaited moments is graduation. The feeling of living that moment is far more important than having that piece of paper in your hands but it’s the knowledge that all your years in high school had come to an end and it’s time … Continue reading GRADUATION 2k15


Hiii people 🙂 I know, I know, I know. I’ve been away for a looooooooong time. To be fair, I have reasonable excuses haha. First of all, when I had my last exam last spring, I went back to Italy and between catching up with friends and holidays with my parents I just didn’t have … Continue reading UPDATE!


Moving somewhere is always a big step in anyone’s life, especially if you’re young and you always lived with your parents. For me, it was a little bit easier since I’ve already experienced some living by myself in a foreign country while I was in America 2 years ago. Deciding to move here it hasn’t … Continue reading MOVING TO SCOTLAND!


Hiya! This post is going to be a little different from the previous ones! I want to talk about something really means a lot me which is my new tattoo! Now, I am not the kind of girl that just gets a tattoo just becasue… I really thought about it for a LONG time, I … Continue reading MY NEW TATTOO!