“Idee per un paese”

My class began this project last year while I was in the USA. For this reason I joyned the project called “Idee per una paese” (literally “Ideas for a town”) but with a slightly different task. While my classmates were designing a building’s wall, I had the job to create a decoration for the river that passes through the town.


So I started to make some sketches and try to find a shape that could fit with the sorroundings. My job was to find a perfect shape that could decorate the stream of the river but at the same time to have a function.

This was my result:


At the end, I chose to try to insert triangular shapes along the sides of the river. These shapes are made of cement and have the function of slowing down the water of the river and have a particular angolation that can stop rocks on the edges so people can see the different rocks of the river.


Finally, I made a model with cardboard and little rocks painted in white. I think this really looks good and gives a new point of view where to admire the beauties of nature!

This project took about 2 years but we could say that it was worth it!! At the end we even made a book with all of our projects in it! Making this project was really fun and helped us to improve our imagination and art skills.



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